Diary of Events
Initially only the next two months will be shown. To see more move the calendar's right hand scroll bar down then up. Click on any entry to see more information.
Note that if you are using Internet Explorer and you have a Google account (e.g. gmail) the calendar may not display. This is caused by a recent change by Google and hopefully will soon be resolved by them. In the meantime the best solution is to use Firefox or Chrome. Alternatively you can click here to get the calendar in new window. Click on agenda at the top right to get the list of events.
Note that if you are using Internet Explorer and you have a Google account (e.g. gmail) the calendar may not display. This is caused by a recent change by Google and hopefully will soon be resolved by them. In the meantime the best solution is to use Firefox or Chrome. Alternatively you can click here to get the calendar in new window. Click on agenda at the top right to get the list of events.
Drag scroll bar down and up to see more entries |
The concerts usually consist of between 4 and 6 ensembles performing pieces of their choice. The programmes are varied and interesting. Organisers aim to maintain a balance between wind, strings, piano and voice.
The workshops take the form of master classes given by a well-known coach to groups presenting works.
The Spring and Summer Outings provide the opportunity to play with some 10 to 20 different people during 5 sessions throughout the day.